Artificial intelligence systems of Helsinki
Learn about the use cases where we currently utilise artificial intelligence as part of our city services.

Culture and leisure
Summer Job Voucher Chatbot
Summer job voucher chatbot is City of Helsinki’s culture and leisure division’s new digital service channel, which answers questions about applying and using the summer job voucher. The service improves accessibility of customer service, also outside customer service times. The service answers questions 24/7 and offers the option to chat live with a customer service representative during regular service hours.
The new contact channel enables customer self-service and provides up-to-date information on how to search for and use the summer job voucher. It also guides young people and employers on employment and job application processes.
The service improves the accessibility of customer service, enhances the user experience, increases the interactivity of self-service, and speeds up the discovery of customer-specific relevant information compared to searching for information on the website.
The service is trained using data collected from customer service interactions to answer the most common questions related to applying for and using the summer job voucher.”

Housing and environment
Parking chatbot
The parking chatbot is a customer service channel of city’s parking services. Service provides automated answers to the parking-related questions of city residents and visitors. The service is available at the city parking website of Helsinki.
The service aims to improve the availability and the user experience of digital parking support services and to increase the interactivity of the parking self-service. The service speeds up finding the right information to customer’s specific questions in comparison to searching the information from the websites. The service is also a means to explore and try out the potential of new technologies in parking services.
The service utilises natural language analysis to identify customer’s topic of interest-based on the questions or phrases entered to the service. The service responds based on the trained rule-based discussion paths, and the open data connected to it, in accordance with the customer’s interest and consents to location information.

Outdoors chatbot Urho
Outdoors chatbot Urho is a 24-hour customer service channel of the Helsinki City Information aimed at improving the accessibility of customer service and the customer experience and increasing the interactivity of the self-service. The service provides relevant information to each customer’s specific questions faster than by searching for the information on the website.
The chatbot is in use on the Sports and Recreation websites. The service is for anyone interested in the subject. The chatbot answers questions related to outdoor activitites and places, sports facilities and services, for example. The service responds based on the trained rule-based discussion paths and the question-answer pairs determined by specialists from Helsinki City Information and thematic experts. The service increases efficiency by enabling the automation of frequently asked questions.

City Executive office
International House Helsinki…
International House Helsinki’s chatbot Into is a 24/7 customer service channel, offering a wide range of information on the official services offered by IHH and advice to support the settlement of those who have moved to the capital region from abroad. With the help of the service, customers have faster access to International House Helsinki’s wide range of services for the city and the authorities. The service is intended for all people who have recently moved to the capital region and for international people who are considering moving to the capital region. The service operates on a rule-based basis based on advice and question-answer pairs defined by experts in the subject areas, as well as discussion dialogues. The service increases efficiency by enabling the automation of frequently asked questions, e.g. inquiries about contact information and making appointments.

Social services, Health Care and Rescue Services Division
Sotebotti Hester
Sotebot Hester is a chatbot for social services, health care and rescue services division. Hester contains different knowledge data bases that are combined into one chatbot. The same answer can be used in many different conversations and this prevents overlapping answers to the same question, for example between maternity and child care clinics and health stations. The customer has also the possibility to move from Hester Chatbot to live chat.
Content description:
Health Services : Diseases from all ages and health promotion issues, oral health, physiotherapy, occupational therapy and mental health. Advice on visiting health stations and how to book an appointment. Some sick leave certificates, laboratory referrals and service vouchers can also be written in the chat.
Maternity and child care services: Questions concerning parenting, pregnancy and child care. You can also make appointments in the live chat, but acting on behalf of a child is not possible.
Senior Services: Advice and information about the most asked social and health care services, tips for active everyday life and maintaining functional capacity, living and moving. In addition, the bot answers the most common issues of assistive service services.
Social Services for Adults, young people over 16-year-olds and youth: Counseling and information in different life situations. Support for coping in everyday life such as making a living, housing, relationships, working, studying and mental health and student health.
Chatbot’s content is produced and monitored by designated professionals from family and child care services, oral health care, psychiatry and substance abuse services, Senior info, health services, youth services and adult social work.
The service is operates on a rule-based basis based on question-answer pairs and conversation dialogues defined by the service experts.
The service also enables quick responses and reactions, proactive communication, and development of operation dealing with current issues of concern to customers based on conversation analytics. clients to work on current issues based on discussion analytics. The service enables automatic collection of advance information, which speeds up the customer service situation.

Culture and leisure
Intelligent material…
IMMS (Intelligent Material Management System) is an intelligent material management system for the entire library collection. The City Library’s collection contains approximately 1.8 million items. An intelligent material management system was acquired while the city library moved away from library-specific collections to one shared collection. With the change, the library wanted to enable moving the material freely between different libraries. The system was introduced in May 2019, after which it has been in use but still in the deployment phase. The system has made it possible to reach a situation where the majority of the collection now floats, i.e. moves freely between libraries.
With the floating material, customers can influence the offering of each library with their own activities. Returns influence the offerings of libraries. Library experts can modify system configurations based on reports and observations. The aim is to distribute the new material equally so that no library is in an unequal position based on its size. Thus the customers of different libraries can be served in an equal manner.
The service enables tracking and tracing of the item movements. The material can be located in real-time using RFID tags attached to the material. The material to be borrowed from the Helsinki City Library was labelled with RFID tags before the system was introduced. RFID tags are also used in transport units, check-out machines sorting points, and in special shelf identification.
The library system is not intended for logistical tracking of material, and therefore this new system effectively complements the data obtained on the movement of items. Library experts can control the flow of material between libraries with parameters and rules supported by the system. These control the filling level of library shelves in a way that allows the better presentation of materials to customers. The material hotel created during the introduction of the intelligent material management system balances, for example, seasonal overflows and shelf overflow during library renovations. Guests do not have physical access to the material hotel, but the material can be booked. The material hotel is located in the Pasila library building, close to the city library’s central sorter.
Furthermore, the system also makes it possible to reduce manual logistics. The material can be processed, for example, by moving the reservations box by box, when this was previously done on an item by item basis. Improving the handling of reservations is necessary as the number of reservations has risen sharply in recent years. Improving the efficiency of processing also enables staff to allocate working hours from logistics to other library work.
The service includes a mobile application used by library staff. With the help of the mobile application, the material can be transferred to the central sorter or to the library shelves, either box at a time or, if necessary, item at a time. It also allows staff to see item, shelf, or transport unit-specific information (current information, as well as the previous movements).The Danish Lyngsoe Systems have built the system in collaboration with Danish public libraries. The system only processes material data and not handle the personal data of customers at all.

Culture and leisure
Oodi’s book recommendation…
Obotti is Central Library Oodi’s recommendation chatbot. The service recommends books from Oodi’s selection according to the customer’s interest and feedback. The service is aimed at all Central Library Oodi’s customers and can be downloaded as a mobile application for Android and IoS devices.
The service recommends books to the customer based on contextual analysis that the customer would not otherwise find. The purpose of the service is to present the material available in Oodi library to customers interestingly and to make it easier for customers to find interesting and new material. The recommended materials are freely available in the selections of the Central Library Oodi at the time of the recommendation.
The service is divided thematically into six chatbots, each recommending content according to their theme. You can ask the service for recommendations using ready-made answer options, or in free search terms in the form of text or speech. The service utilises contextual analysis of natural language to determine the customer’s interests, as well as to produce corresponding book recommendations.

Talpa Helsinki
Talbotti is an electronic contact channel introduced by the City of Helsinki’s financial management service.
The purpose of Talbot is to improve and increase customer contact opportunities, also outside customer service hours.
Chatbot answers questions around the clock and offers, within the opening hours, the possibility to transfer to live chat to continue the conversation with a customer advisor.
The new contact channel enables self service for customers and also advises, provides up to date information, links to websites and speeds up the search for information for residents and city employees. The chatbot learns from the data collected in customer service and it can answer most common questions related to invoicing and financial management services.

Urban Environment
The rental apartment search…
The rental apartment search chatbot is a 24-hour customer service channel of the City of Helsinki housing services aimed at improving the accessibility of customer service and the customer experience as well as increasing the interactivity of the self-service. The service provides relevant information to each customer’s specific questions faster than by searching for the information on the website.
The service is for anyone interested in the subject. The chatbot provides answers to questions related to finding housing, for example. The service responds based on the trained rule-based discussion paths and the question-answer pairs determined by rental apartment search experts. The service increases efficiency by enabling the automation of frequently asked questions.